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New publication
“Kuchkovo pole” publ. in the book series “Zhivaya istoria” (“Live history”) issued the memoirs of V.N. Shakhovskoi “Tak prohidit mirskaya slava. 1893-1917” (“Sic transit gloria mundi. 1893-1917”) ISBN 978-5-9950-0990-0 (“Kuchkovo pole”); ISBN 978-5-9907259-8-0 (“Retrospektiva”). The publication provided with introductory article and commentary was composed by S.V. Kulikov. The author of the memoirs is now…
“Autograph of history” – “To my dear mistress, Mrs. Katarina Luther …”
“To my dear mistress, Mrs. Katarina Luther. Wittenberg. Into own hands,” is inscribed on the reverse side of a one-leaf message on yellowed paper. Cand. Sc. in History, Senior Researcher Tamara Nikolaevna Tatsenko tells about the autograph of the famous German church reformer Martin Luther, which is stored in the Scientific and Historical Archive of…
New book
“Istoricheskaya illustratsia” publishing house has issued a new book of T.A. Bazarova “Russian diplomats at the court of the Ottoman Empire: reports of P.P. Shafirov and M.B. Sheremetev of 1711-1712 (The study and the texts)” (“Russkie diplomaty pri Osmanskom dvore: stateynye spiski P.P. Shafirova i M.B. Sheremeteva 1711-1712 godov (Issledovaniya i teksty)”). This publication introduces…
To the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky: scientific colloquium and exhibition in Vladimir
On August 12, 2021, in Vladimir, within the framework of the all-Russian intermuseum project “Alexander Nevsky: the Great Northern Route”, the exhibition “Alexander Nevsky: the Legend of the Saint” opened at Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, and the scientific colloquium “Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Land” began at the Museum Center “Chambers”. Organizers of the project: St. Petersburg Institute…
Publication of documents
The publishing house “Aurora” issued a collection of documents “Leningrad on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. 1938–1941”. Ed. by A.I. Rupasov. St. Petersburg, 2022. The proposed edition of archival documents covers the history of Leningrad during the period immediately preceding the Great Patriotic War (October 1938 – June 1941). This practically unexplored period…
Session of Saint Petersburg division of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS
On September 26, 2016 the session of Saint Petersburg division of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS was held at Saint Petersburg Institute of History. The participants were welcomed by director of the Institute N.N. Smirnov, who emphasized the importance of the recommencement of the division’s activity. The members of the department discussed different issues…