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New book
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Conferences in 2023
Scientific conferences organized and conducted by the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2023.
New edition
“Gyol” publishing house issued the second, enlarged and altered edition of book by T.A. Bazarova “The creation of “Paradise”: Saint Petersburg and Ingria under Peter the Great. Studies” (“Sozdanie “Paradiza”: Sankt-Peterburg i Ingermanlandia v epohu Petra Velikogo. Ocherki”). The book deals with the history of the Ingria region and Saint Petersurg in the first years…
Launching of the collection of documents “Alexander III”
On Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 15.00 at the Conference hall of Saint Petersburg Institute of History takes place the launching of reprint of the collection of documents “Alexander III” from the series “Statesmen of Russia in the eyes of contemporaries” (“Gosudarstvennye deyateli Rossii glazami sovremennikov”). The book has benn composed by V.G. Chernuha…
Anniversary of the historian
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Memorandum of Cooperation
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