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New book

“Istoricheskaya illustratsiya” publ. issued a new book “The Grand Ducal Residences of the Russian Empire in 1826-1917: construction economy. Study and documents”. Compiled by A.A. Efimov. ISBN 978-5-89566-225-0  The Ministry of the Imperial Court from the very moment of its creation in 1826 and up to 1917 led an active architectural and construction activity, one…

Manuscripts do not burn, but are digitized

The report of the Director of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Sirenov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the Scientific Session “Humanities in the Age of Digitalization” of the General Meeting of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the…

All-Russian project «Alexander Nevsky: The Great Northern Route»

On April 7, 2021 in the Novgorod Museum-Reserve All-Russian project «Alexander Nevsky: The Great Northern Route», timed to 800-year anniversary of this statesman, general and saint.                 At 10:30 in the Conference-Hall of the Museum of Fine Arts of Novgorod Museum-Reserve International scientific conference «Alexander Nevsky – warrior…

Session of the seminar “RUSSIA IN MODERN ERA (18th – early 20th centuries): the state and the society”

Dear colleagues! St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences invites you to take part in the meeting of the seminar “RUSSIA IN THE MODERN ERA (18th – early 20th centuries): the State and the Society”. Within the framework of thesession, the report of Cand. Sc. T.V. Kostina (St. Petersburg Institute of…

On the 160th anniversary of the abolition of serfdom in Russia

To mark the 160th anniversary of the abolition of serfdom in Russia, a virtual exhibition of one document from the collection of the Archives of the St. Petersburg Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences opens, and presents the album “Deputies of the provincial noble committees on the peasant issue of the second invitation to…

Readings in memory of academician N.P. Likhachev

Dear colleagues! St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and St. Petersburg Branch of the Archaeographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences invites you to take part in the Readings in memory of academician N.P. Likhachev. The readings will take place on April 14, 2021, begin at the Smolensk Orthodox…

New book

  GALART Publishing House has published a new book by. A. I. Rupasov “Diplomatic Profiles” ISBN 978-5-98747-050-3 The book deals with the biography issues of some of the Soviet and European diplomats who have passed away long ago and who played very different roles in the posts they happened to occupy. Soviet plenipotentiaries I.L. Lorentz,…

All-Russian Scientific Conference

St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences invites you to take part in the All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “20th Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR: Prerequisites and Consequences” (within the framework of the scientific seminar “The History of the Soviet Era”). The conference was held online on…

New book

The publishing house “PA Tribunsky” has published another volume from the series “Recent Russian History: Research and Documents” N.N. Platonova. Diary (1889-1921). Vol. 12. Introduction article by E.A. Rostovtsev, A.N. Tsamutali. ISBN 978-5-94473-021-3 The scientific edition of the diary of Nadezhda Nikolaevna Platonova (1861-1928) – the wife of the famous historian, professor of St. Petersburg…