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All-Russian Scientific Conference

St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RASSt. Petersburg Branch of the National Research University Higher School of EconomicsDepartment for Archives of the Government of the Yaroslavl RegionN.A. Nekrasov Yaroslavl Regional Universal Scientific LibraryArchaeographic Commission of the Russian Academy of SciencesSt. Petersburg Branch of the Archaeographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dear colleagues!…

International scientific conference on the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War

Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RASMilitary Medical MuseumРоссийский государственный архив социально-политической истории (РГАСПИ)Publishing House “Politicheskaya Encyclopedia” (“ROSSPEN”) The organizers listed above invite you to take part in the international scientific conference“1941. The Northern border. To the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War”, which is to be held on June…

International scientific and practical conference

On April 23-24, 2021 in Vitebsk (Belarus) the VI International scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of source study” will be held. SPbIH of the RAS is one of its organizers (together with Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, State Archives of Vitebsk Region, Belarusian State University, Republican Institute of Higher Education, Kharkiv National University named after…

On the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials

At the end of 2020, the Memorial Museum of the Nuremberg Trials issued a collective monograph “That four great nations. 75 years Nuremberg Trial” (Publisher:“ Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg, 2020). Historians and museum workers specializing in the history of the Second World War from the host states of the Tribunal (Russia, USA, Great Britain and France),…

800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky

All-Russian Museum and Historical Project “Alexander Nevsky: The Great Northern Route”.  To the 800th anniversary of the statesman, commander and saint.          Prince Alexander Nevsky, an outstanding commander, political and statesman of Russia in the 13th century, played a big role in the history of Russia, not only in the era when he lived. In…

The session of the seminar

  Dear colleagues! St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences invites you to take part in a meeting of the scientific seminar “History of the Soviet era” and discuss such problem as “Leaders of besieged Leningrad”.. The meeting is supposed to discuss the current state of the problem, the folding and…

New book

Publishing house LRC issued a new book by I.P. Medvedev “Sudba uchenogo: Vladimir Nikolaevich Beneshevich. Sbornik statei”. ISBN 978-5-907290-31-0 The collection of articles scrutinizes different aspects of the fate and scientific biography of the outstanding Russian scientist Vladimir Nikolaevich Beneshevich (1874-1938). This book sums up the results of longtime research to identify and study archival…

New book

  The publishing house of the European University in Saint Petersburg issued the collection of articles “Ordinary person in extraordinary times: on 60-year anniversary of S.V. Yarov” (“Obychnyi chelovek v neobychnoe vremya: K 60-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya S. V. Yarova”). ISBN 978-5-94380-318-5. 2019 would mark the 60th anniversary of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Sergei…

The 39th volume of “Auxiliary historical disciplines”

“Dmitrii Bulanin” publishing house issued the next 39th volume of collection of articles “Auxiliary historical disciplines” [“Auxiliary sciences of history”/”Vspomogatelnye istoricheskie discipliny”]. ISBN 978-5-86007-954-0ISSN 0130-0865 The collection of scientific works includes articles dealing with the study of manuscrits and objects of cultural heritage. The authors of the articles widely use the methods of auxiliary historical disciplines in their…