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New publication

Publishing house «Al’yans-Arkheo» in a series of books “Tikhvinskii arkhiv” (“Tikhvin archive”) issued a new publication compiled by O.A. Abelentseva “Materialy po istorii Uspenskogo Tikhvinskogo monastyrya”, vyp. 1: Akty i materialy pistsovogo dela, ch. 2: 1644-1675 gg. (“Materials on history of Tikhvin Assumption monastery”, issue 1: Acts and penmen materials, part 2: 1644-1675″). ISBN 978-5-98874-183-1….

New monograph

  Nauka publ. in “Biblioteka vsemirnoi istorii” book series issued the second edition of the monograph by M.B. Sverdlov “Domongol’skaya Rus’: Knyaz’ i knyazheskaya vlast’ na Rusi VI – pervoi treti XIII v.”. ISBN 978-5-02-038250-3. The monograph of a prominent specialist in the history of Kievan Rus, M.B. Sverdlov, examines the early period of the…

New book

  Nauka publ. in “Biblioteka vsemirnoi istorii” book series issued the monograph by A.A. Kasatov “Seizina: pravo, vlast’ i obshchestvo v anglo-normandskom korolevstve XI-XIII vekov” (“Seisin: the Law, the Power and the Society in Anglo-Norman Kingdom of 11th-13th centuries”). ISBN: 978-5-02-040533-2. The book focuses on the study of seisin as a central institution of the…

International Scientific Conference “Mastering of the North: From the Past to the Future”

On December 14–15, 2020 the International Scientific Conference “Mastering of the North: From the Past to the Future”, examining the industrial development of the North and timed to centenary of discovery of Norilsk deposit is to be carried out at the State Archive of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The conference is organised by Saint Petersburg Institute of…

Scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society”

On November 30, 2020, at 17.00 the session of the scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society” took place. Senior researcher Cand. Sc in History M.E. Proskuriakova delivered a report “Bolezni i organizatsiya lecheniya voennosluzhashchikh Vyborgskogo garnizona v 1710–1740 gg.” [“The Illnesses…

The session of the seminar “The History of the Soviet Era”

Dear colleagues! Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS welcomes you to participate in the session of the пseminar “The History of the Soviet Era” dealing with the issues of Soviet armaments industry administration on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War. The reports (in Russian) will be delivered by: Melnikov Nikita Nikolaevich…

The session of the Scientific council timed to 90-year anniversary of V.G. Chernuha and V.S. Dyakin

On November 10, 2020 the session of the Scientific council timed to состоится заседание Ученого совета, посвященное 90-year anniversary of V.G. Chernuha and V.S. Dyakin is to be held. At the session the reports by D.Sc. in History I.V. Lukoyanov, D.Sc. in History S.K. Lebedev, D.Sc. in History I.E. Barykina, D.Sc. in History L.Yu. Gusman…

A.N. Veselovskiy prize

p>By the decision of the Presidium of the RAS A.N. Veselovskiy prize of the year 2020 was granted to corr. member of the RAS Aleksei Vladimirovich Sirenov and Gleb Valentinovich Markelov (IRLI of the RAS) for publication “ LETOPISETS NEBESNYKH ZNAMENII: litsevoi rukopisnyi sbornik XVII veka iz sobraniya Biblio­teki Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. In 2 vol.“.