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A new book

“Istoricheskaya Illustratsiya” publ. issued a new monograph by Z.V. Dmitrieva and S.A. Kozlov “Taxes and wars in Russia of 16th-18th cent.” [“Nalogi i voiny v Rossii XVI-XVIII vv.”]. ISBN 978-5-89566-207-6 The monograph deals with the history of the Russian taxation in 16th-18th centuries in the context of “taxes-wars” issue. The authors outlined the impact of geopolitical…

Our scholars

    On May 29 Boris Fedorovich Egorov had his 94th anniversary. We, his colleauges cordially congratulate him with his birthday and wish him many happy returns of the day, stay healthy and further succeed in his research and creative work!

In memory of the scholar

On the eve of the Victory Day collective of our Institute suffered an irretrievable loss. On May 8, 2020 Viktor Nikolaevich Pleshkov – D.Sc. in History, scientific adviser of the Department of General History, outstanding specialist in American history, who for 14 years was the head of Saint Petersburg Institute of the RAS has died…

Timed to 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Ahead of 75th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences publishes on its website the new historical source – the memoirs of Petersburg architect Vladimir Sergeevich Lukyanov about his work on “Leningrad Hero City Obelisk”, opened in 1985…

New book

“Piter” publishers issued new book by D.Sc. in History B.N. Kovalev “Ispanskaya divizia – soyuznik Tretiegi reiha. 1941-1945 gg” [“The Spanish Division – the ally of the Third Reich. 1941-1945”]. ISBN: 978-5-4461-1637-9 During the Great Petriotic War hudreds of thousands of soldiers and officers from European countries-allies of Hitler Germany fought against the Soviet Union….

New publication

  “Kuchkovo pole” publ. in the book series “Zhivaya istoria” (“Live history”) issued the memoirs of V.N. Shakhovskoi “Tak prohidit mirskaya slava. 1893-1917” (“Sic transit gloria mundi. 1893-1917”) ISBN 978-5-9950-0990-0 (“Kuchkovo pole”); ISBN 978-5-9907259-8-0 (“Retrospektiva”). The publication provided with introductory article and commentary was composed by S.V. Kulikov. The author of the memoirs is now…

New book

“Dmitrii Bulanin” publishers issued the publication “Ioasaf (Gaponov V. S.), ieromonakh. Tserkovno-istoricheskoe i statisticheskoe opisanie Vladimirskoi eparkhii, sostavlennoe na osnovanii opredeleniya Sv. Pravitel’stvuyushchego Sinoda ot 19 maya / 6 oktyabrya 1850 goda”. This book was prepared on the basis of materials from the Russian State Historical Archive by the director of SPbIH of the RAS A.V….