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Opening of the exhibition “Russian style” (“Russkii stil)”

  Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS invites you to the opening of the exhibition named “Russian style” (“Russkii stil)”. There will be presented paintings and drawings of artist Igor Vishnya. The event takes place on June 20, 2019 at 6 p.m. in the third floor of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of…

“Novgorod historical articles” (Novgorodskii istoricheskii sbornik)

The periodical was established in 1936, nowadays it is annually published peer-reviewed collection of articles. “Novgorod historical articles” (Novgorodskii istoricheskii sbornik) publishes the works and materials on both history and culture of Velikii Novgorod and Novgorod region of 12th – 20th centuries. Editorial board: Corr. Member of the RAS P.G.Gaidukov (managing editor). History A.N. Chistikov(deputy…

“Auxiliary historical disciplines” (“Vspomogatelnye istoricheskie distsipliny”).

Saint-Petersburg Institute of History annually publishes “Auxiliary Sciences of History”, a journal having a mark of the Scientific division on History and Philology of the RAS (Otdelenie istoriko-filologicheskikh nauk RAN) and Saint-Petersburg branch of the Archaeography commission of the RAS. The periodical was established in 1937 by academician M.N. Tikhomirov and professor S.N.Valk and renewed…


All the articles received by the editorial board are liable to obligatory additional peer review by expert (not more than 2 reviewers), a Doctor or Candidate having the academic specialization closest to the article’s subject. All the reviewers should be renowned specialists in the sphere of the reviewed materials, and have publications on the topic…

Editorial board

Managing editor: History A.I. Rupasov (Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS). Secretary: K.A. Tarasov (Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS) A.A. Yefimov (Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS) Members of the editorial board: Cand. of Sc. in Philology (Ph.D.) D. V. Keier (Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS) Cand. of Sc….

Award winners

  The award of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists for 2017 was granted to Cand. Sc. In History, research fellow of the Scientific and Historical Archive of the Institute Nikita Viktorovich Bashnin for his contribution to the research on relations between the state and the Orthodox church, developments of the monastery…