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Presentation of “Album of Petrine Navigator”

  On March 27, 2017 at 6.30 p.m. at Saint Petersburg branch of the Russian Geographical Society took place a meeting of Commission on history of geographic knowledge timed to 320-year anniversary of the Great Embassy of Peter the Great combined with presentation of “Album of Petrine Navigator”. In presentation composers of the book Cand….

New collection of articles

  Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University has published regular issue 16 (26) of “Novgorod Historical Articles” (“Novgorodskii istoricheskii sbornik”), composed in commemoration of well-known specialist in history of Medieval Novgorod V.F. Andreev. The book incorporates studies on history and culture of Novgorod the Great and Novgorod region in 12th–20th centuries. This issue includes articles on…

On centenary of the Great Russian Revolution of the year 1917

On occasion of Academic council meeting on March 14, 2017 when D.Sc. in History N.N. Smirnov delivered a report “Concerning several problems connected with the Great Russian Revolution of the year 1917” the Library of the Institute has installed an exhibition “Leningrad school of historians on the revolution of 1917”. The centennial of the February and…

Conferences in Novgorod

  On February 28 – March 1, 2017 in the Novgorod State Museum-Reserve All-Russian Scientific Conference “The Treaty of Stolbovo and Restitution of the Novgorod Region to the Russian State” timed to 400-year anniversary of the Treaty of Stolbovo took place accompanied by the presentation of the books on the conference subjects. On March 6,…

The spring has come!

Our dear ladies! Let us cordially congratulate you with nice spring holiday – International Women’s Day March 8! We are glad to wish you be successful in your activities, obtain and preserve personal happiness and prosperity, keep solid health. May strong and reliable men ready to help and support you stay nearby all the time….

Collection of articles “Materials of the Round-table discussion (On 70-year anniversary of the Great Victory)” (Sbornik Materialov kruglogo stola (K 70-letiu Velikoi Pobedy)

  Publishing house of Politechnic University issues the collection of articles containing Materials of the round-table discussion carried out during 36th annual international scientific conference “Soviet science and technics during the Great Patriotic War (On 70-year anniversary of the Great Victory)” which is entitled “Scientists and the Great Patriotic War”. The book is one of…

Smirnov Nikolai Nikolaevich

(born April 6, 1952 in Dushanbe) 1970—1976 — Leningrad State University, Faculty of History. 1975—1977 — senior research fellow, State Museum of History of Leningrad. 11.1977—11.1980 — post-graduate student, Leningrad branch of the Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 12.1980— till nowadays — Saint Petersburg Institute of…

New monograph

  “Alliance-Archeo” publishing house issued a book by N.V. Bashnin “Dionisii Glushitskii monastery and its archive in the 15th-17th centuries: Research and texts” (“Dionisievo-Glushitskii monastyr i ego arhiv v XV-XVII vv.: Issledovanie i teksty”). The monograph deals with the history of the monastery, and on the basis of multiple sources from archives of Moscow, Saint…

Jubilee of the scholar

  On February 7, 2017 was a 85-year anniversary of D.Sc. in History, professor V.N. Ginev. Born in Sverdlovsk he entered the Faculty of History of the Leningrad State University in 1949 and made a choice of his profession he is still adherent to. Being a disciple of S.N. Valk Vladimir Nikolaevich greatly contributed to…