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Smirnov Nikolay Nikolaevich

(April 6, 1952, Dushanbe) 1970-1976 – Leningrad State University, Department of History. 1975-1977 – senior researcher at the State Museum of the History of Leningrad. 11.1977-11.1980 – postgraduate LDII RAS. 12.1980- till now – St. Petersburg Institute of History of Sciences (LDII RAS); junior reasercher; 07.1986 –  researcher, Department of History of the Great October Socialist Revolution;…

New book

    “Nestor-Istoria” publishing house issued a book “Krauze Friedrich. Letters from the fronts of World War I (1914—1917)” (“Krauze Friedrich. Pisma s Pervoi Mirovoi (1914—1917)”) composed and edited by O.F. Krauze and L.A. Bulgakova. It includes correspondence between sanitary inspector of the Russian army F.O. Krauze and his fiancée (then wife) pediatrician A.I. Dobrohotova….

The Proceedings of SPbII RAN

  “Nestor-Istoria” publishing house issued regular volume (2 (18)) of the Proceedings of SPbII RAN “Saint Petersburg Institute of History in the documents of the 19th-20th centuries” (“Sankt-Peterburgskii institut istorii v dokumentah XIX-XX vekov”). This book is devoted to 80-year anniversary of the institute and consists of publications of its employees on the history of…

New publication

  “Alliance Archeo” publishing house issued “The books of money income and expense of the Vologda Archbishop House of Saint Sophia and the tax-books of churches belonging to the diocese of Vologda. The 17th – early 18th century” (“Prihodno-rashodnye denezhnye knigi Vologodskogo arhiereiskogo doma Svatoi Sofii i okladnye knigi cerkvei Vologodskoi eparchii. XVII-nachalo XVIII veka”)….

New Year greetings

Dear colleagues and friends! The year 2016 is coming to its end. During this period we experienced important events: 80-year anniversary of the Institute and 50-year anniversary of its move to actual building. In the outgoing year a lot of things happened: many different types of new publications of our scholars were issued, exhibitions of…

Our congratulations

Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University granted the leading researcher of SPBIH of the RAS, Cand. Sc. in History Gennadii Mihailovich Kovalenko medal of Yaroslav the Wise 3rd class for great personal contribution to study and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Novgorod region. Friends and colleagues warmly congratulate Gennadii Mihailovich and wish him…

New publication

  “Istoricheskaya illustratsiya” publishing house issued “Album of Petrine Navigator”. This book represents the first time publication of the manuscript “Album of Petrine Navigator” kept in the Scientific and Historical Archive of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1697, together with the Great Embassy a group of several young…

New issue of “Auxiliary historical disciplines”

  “Dmitrii Bulanin” publishing house issued the next 35th volume of collection of articles “Auxiliary historical disciplines” (“Auxiliary sciences of history”/”Vspomogatelnye istoricheskie discipliny”). It incorporates articles on different aspects of auxiliary sciences of history: source studies of Byzantine, Medieval Russian, Balcanic manuscripts; sigillography (sphragistics) of Russian documents of 18th century; etc. All the articles and…

Ceremony of diplomas presentation to the winners of the 9th Open contest “Topical science”

  On December 8, 2016 the ceremony of diplomas presentation to the winners of the 9th Open contest “Topical science” took place at the Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Complimentary addresses to the winners have been delivered by director of the Institute N.N. Smirnov, deputy director of the Polish Institute…