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On the occasion of 85-year anniversary of academician B.V. Ananich

On the occasion of 85-year anniversary of academician B.V. Ananich Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, Institute of Russian History of the RAS, Scientific Council of the RAS on Problems of Russian and World Economic History, Joint Scientific Council on Social Science and the Humanities of Saint Petersburg Scientific Centre of the RAS…

On 100-year anniversary of Valentin Mikhailovich Kovalchuk

European University in Saint Petersburg and Saint Petersburg Institute of History on June 15-16 carried out International conference “Topical questions of the history of the Leningrad blockade” timed to 100-year anniversary of well-known Russian historian Valentin Mikhailovich Kovalchuk. The exhibition of scientific works and personal documents of V.M. Kovalchuk was open during the conference sessions.

New book on the history of the Great Patriotic War

On June 2, 2016 at the Conference-hall of Museum of fine arts of the Novgorod museum-reserve the presentation of book “Occupation. Resistance. Retribution. Nazi regime in the Novgorod land” (“Okkupatsiya. Soprotivlenie. Vozmezdie. Natsistskii regim na Novgorodskoy zemle”) written by D.Yu. Astashkin, B.N. Kovalev and S.V. Kulik took place. This events was supported by the Novgorod branch…

On the occasion of 85-year anniversary of academician B.V. Ananich

On the occasion of 85-year anniversary of academician B.V. Ananich Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, Institute of Russian History of the RAS, Scientific Council of the RAS on Problems of Russian and World Economic History, Joint Scientific Council on Social Science and the Humanities of Saint Petersburg Scientific Centre of the RAS…

Round-table discussion

On June 1, 2016 in the frame of project “Self-organized structures of medieval town: genesis, classification, mechanism of functioning”(grant project of the Russian Science Foundation) at Saint Petersburg Institute of History session of the round-table discussion “Self-organized structures of medieval town: classical and neoclassical approaches” will take place. The meeting starts at 11.00 at the…

Our laureates

On May 27, 2016 at the assembly hall of Smolny ceremonial presentation of badges of laureates of the prizes of the city government in the spheres of culture, science and engineering, education. leading researcher, Doctor of Sciences in History Zoya Vasilievna Dmitrieva was awarded the rank of laureate of E.V. Tarle prize. Being well-recognized specialist…

Scholar’s jubilee

On May 29, 2016 Doctor of Sciences in Philology, professor Boris Fedorovich Yegorov, well-known Russian philologist, historian and specialist in the history of Russian literature and social thought of the 19th century, celebrates his 90-years anniversary. Boris Fedorovich in every place of his work was constantly held in respect by his colleagues-scholars, students and post-graduate…

On the occasion of scholar’s jubilee

On 90-year anniversary of B.F. Yegorov the Library of SPbIH organized exhibition “Boris Fedorovich Yegorov: on jubilee. Books, articles, memoires, autographs”. In two showcases books, collections of articles, articles and publications of the scholar are presented. The third showcase holds memoires of Boris Fedorovich, publications of his letters and bibliography of his works. At the…

International colloquium “The age of wars and revolutions (1914–1922)”

On June 9-11, 2016 International colloquium “The age of wars and revolutions (1914–1922)” will take place at the European University at Saint Petersburg. The conference is organized by Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, European University at Saint Petersburg, North-West branch of Scientific Council of the RAS on History of Social Reforms, Social Movements…

Anniversary of the scholar

75- year anniversary of chief researcher, Doctor of Sciences in History Aleksandr Konstantinovich Gavrilov was celebrated on May 23, 2016. Being the author of more than 180 scientific works he is well-known both in Russia and abroad as talented translator and editor of classical texts. His articles and publications are greatly appreciated by scholars. A.K….