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New edition

“Gyol” publishing house issued the second, enlarged and altered edition of book by T.A. Bazarova “The creation of “Paradise”: Saint Petersburg and Ingria under Peter the Great. Studies” (“Sozdanie “Paradiza”: Sankt-Peterburg i Ingermanlandia v epohu Petra Velikogo. Ocherki”). The book deals with the history of the Ingria region and Saint Petersurg in the first years…

New book

The book “War and blockade. Collection of articles in memory of V.M. Kovalchuk” (“Voina i blokada. Sbornik pamyati V.M. Kovalchuka”) has been issued by Nestor-Istoria publishing house. This collection of articles and materials is devoted to commemoration of a well-known specialist in history of the Leningrad blockade and the Great Patriotic War Valentin Mihailovich Kovalchuk. The book…

All-Russian conference

On April 27, 2016 at the Centre of Humanities of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University All-Russian scientific conference “The battles were local”: heroism and tragedy of the North-Western and the Volkhov fronts’ troops’ timed to 75-year anniversary of both the beginning of the Great Patriotic war and formation of the North-Western and the Volkhov fronts….

New book

The publishing house of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University issued publication composed by G.M. Kovalenko “The town of “Hanseatic memories”. Novgorod in the view of German travelers of the 17th-19th centuries”. Hanseatic background of Novgorod is a part of its myth. This book presents the reader with the descriptions of Novgorod from the writings…

Scientists of the 21st century

On April 13, 2016 at the “Academics House” (“Dom uchionyh”) took place regular conference of beginner researchers “Scientists of the 21st century”. Pupils and students of high schools of Saint Petersburg participate in this conference organized by the “Academics House” (“Dom uchionyh”) in constant cooperation with Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS for…

Scholar’s anniversary

On April 15, 2016 will be 90-year anniversary of Doctor of Science in History, professor Iurii Georgievich Alekseev, Russian scholar well known and admired both in Russia and abroad. Being a disciple of I.I. Smirnov Iurii Georgievich maintains the best traditions of the home scholars. For more than thirty years he was firmly connected with…

New book

“Avrora” publishing house issued a new edition of the book composed by A.I. Rupasov and A.N. Chistikov entitled “Russian-Finnish border. 1918-1938. Studies on its history” («Sovetsko-finlyandskaya granitsa. 1918—1938 gg. Ocherki istorii»). Since the moment Finland became independent the problem of border demarcation emerged. This process took almost twenty years. Due to mutual jealousy supported on the…

Session of the Seminar on History of Post-war Soviet Society

On April 4, 2016 regular session of the Seminar on history of post-war soviet society (period of 1945-1965) took place. This seminar works at Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS (SPbIH of the RAS) and ensures collaboration of scholars, employees of museums and archives, professors, tutors and teachers along with post-graduates. The report…

The visit of post-graduates and students of the University from Bielefeld, Germany (Osteuropäische Geschichte-Universität)

On March 30, 2016 a group of students and post-graduates of the University from Bielefeld, Germany (Osteuropäische Geschichte-Universität) accompanied by professor Stephan Merl visited the institute. It is the third visit of professor Merl with his students to SPbIH of the RAS. Young German colleagues were acquainted with the history of the Institute, recent publications….

Scholar’s anniversary

      March 24 is a birthday of leading research fellow of Scientific and Historical Archive and Group for source studies, Doctor of Science in History Elena Konstantinovna Piotrovskaya. For more than forty years she works at the institute, and throughout this period she has given good account of herself both as worthy scholar…