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On 85-year anniversary of academician B.V. Ananich

On March 22, 2016 at Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS (SPbIH of the RAS) memorial session of the Scientific council dedicated to 85-year anniversary of academician, D.Sc. in History, professor B.V. Ananich took place. The meeting was opened by the report delivered by A.N. Tsamutali who outlined different aspects of B.V. Ananich’s course…

Exhibition timed to 85-year anniversary of B.V. Ananich at the National library of Russia

On March 16, 2016 at the New building of the National library of Russia (Moskovskii pr., 165) the exhibition “Academician Boris Vasilievich Ananich and Petersburg school of history” timed to 85-year anniversary of the scholar will be opened. Outstanding representative of Petersburg school of history, great historian, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor…

Alexander Rupasov

Alexander Rupasov (born January 4, 1960, Leningrad) 1979-1984 – higher education, Department of History of Herzen State Pedagogical Institute, Leningrad. 1984-1985 – history teacher at the High school №257. 03.1987-07.1987 – freelance guide at the State Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism. 07.1987- till now – St. Petersburg Institute of History of the…

Preserving History. On 80-year anniversary of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS

On February 16, 2016 at the Reading hall of Scientific and historical archive of the Institute exhibition “Preserving History” has been opened. This event was timed to 80-year anniversary of SPbIH of the RAS. The guests of the grand meeting dated for this occurrence were its first visitors. Both original documents and copies from the…

“The history of the Institute – the history of the Library”.

In the middle of February 2016 at the Reading hall of the Library of SPbIH of the RAS the exhibition “The history of the Institute – the history of the Library” timed to 80-year anniversary of the Institute has been opened. The books inherited by the library from the Archaeographic commission and N.P. Likhachev’s collection are…

Auxiliary historical disciplines. Issue XXXIII

«Dmitrii Bulanin» publishing house has printed XXXIIIrd issue of Institute’s periodicals “Auxiliary historical disciplines”. This collection incorporates articles where the results of historiography analysis and source study of different manuscripts and monuments of culture dated from 10th till 20th century are presented. The subjects of articles reflect many insufficiently known problems concerning sources on history…

New translation of the diary of Lena Mukhina

Macmillan imprint (a part of Pan Macmillan UK) published the diary of Lena Mukhina translated into English by Amanda Love Darragh. This diary is a truly remarkable account of this most terrible era in modern history. It offers readers the vivid first-hand testimony of a courageous young woman struggling simply to survive. Including this edition the…

New book

“Istoricheskaya illustratsia” publishing house has issued a new book of T.A. Bazarova “Russian diplomats at the court of the Ottoman Empire: reports of P.P. Shafirov and M.B. Sheremetev of 1711-1712 (The study and the texts)” (“Russkie diplomaty pri Osmanskom dvore: stateynye spiski P.P. Shafirova i M.B. Sheremeteva 1711-1712 godov (Issledovaniya i teksty)”). This publication introduces…

On 80-year anniversary of the Institute

On February 16, 2016 at 12.00 grand meeting timed to 80-year anniversary of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS will take place. It will be held at the Conference hall of the Institute (Saint-Petersburg, Petrozavodskaya str., 7; Chkalovskaya metro station). Agenda: 11.30-12.00 – registration 12.00-13.00 – salutatory addresses 13.00-14.00 – demonstration of the…