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New book

Publication «Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin). Diary. Years 1851-1855» prepared by L.A. Gerd and K.A. Vach has been issued by the publishing house “Indrik”. This published diary covers the first years of Antonin’s service in Athens and reflects such events as restoration of the Russian Holy Trinity church, Crimean War and foreign occupation of Athens, the author’s…

New book

The memoirs of N.N. Pokrovskii “Last at Mariinsky palace: the memoirs of the Minister for Foreign Affairs” edited by S.V. Kulikov and D.N. Shilov have been published in the “Russia in memoirs” book series. The reader is presented the memoirs compiled not by a statesman but by a “scientist at power” who impartially verified party…

The new book

Dmitrii Bulanin publishing house issued a three-volume monograph by B.N. Mironov “The Russian Empire: from tradition to modern”. This monograph is a complex systematic resumptive research on the social history of Russia from the end of the 17th century till 1917. From the point of view of modernization a wide range of problems, such as…

Transactions of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS

Nestor-Istoria publishing house printed issue 1 (17) of the Transactions of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS “Monasteries and archbishops’ courts in the documents of 16th-18th centuries”. Issue 1 (17) of the Transactions is dedicated to the history of the Orthodox church of 16th-18th centuries and includes the works of institute scholars. The…

Happy New Year!

Dear friends! Administration of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS cordially congratulates you upon approaching New Year and Christmas! We hope coming year to be productive and won’t be overshadowed by new reforms although such behavior is typical for Red Monkey (symbol of 2016). We really count on your help and support that…

The first results of the conference on 190-year anniversary of the Decembrist revolt

International scientific conference “Historical memory of Russia and the Decembrists. 1825-2015” timed to 190-year anniversary of the uprising which took place in the Senate square on December 14, 1825 has become the only remarkable international scientific forum on issues concerning the history of the Decembrist movement. Its organizers struggled to attract to participation all well-known…

“These deeds won’t pass away…” On 190-year anniversary of the Decembrist uprising”

On December 16, 2015 the exhibition “These deeds won’t pass away…” On 190-year anniversary of the Decembrist uprising” has been opened at the Reading hall of Scientific and historical archive of SPbIH of the RAS. The first visitors have been participants and guests of the International scientific conference “Historical memory” of Russia and the Decembrists….

New books

The first volume of multivolume work “The First World War and the end of the Russian Empire”. Publishing house “Liki Rossii” issued “Political history” “The First World War and the end of the Russian Empire”. Centenary of the World War I (194-1918) has been marked by a lot of conferences, publications and research works. This…

The news of the Library of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS

On December 16, 2015 the book exhibition “On 190-year anniversary of the Decembrist uprising” timed to the International scientific conference “Historical memory of Russia and the Decembrists. 1825-2015” was opened at the Conference hall of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS. It was organized by the Library of the institute and prepared by…

The Second Saint Petersburg History Book Fair

Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS has been invited to participate in this trade exhibition by its executive director Yu.Yu. Cheremskaya. It went off from December 11 till December 13 at the New exhibition hall of the State museum of city sculpture. Monographs and collective works, publications of historical sources and school-books written…