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“Autograph of history” – the genealogy of the nobles of the Linevs kin

What one may find interesting and unexpected in genealogy of the nobles of the Linevs kin, which was composed at the end of the 17th century but wasn’t sent to the Chamber of genealogy cases, and at our times discovered in the Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS? Aleksey Vladimirovich Sirenov, Director…

To the 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Table of Ranks

To the 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Table of Ranks Established three hundred years ago – January 24 (February 4), 1722 – by decree of Emperor Peter I, the “Table of Ranks” for almost 200 years until November 1917 determined not only the order of public service but also the system of social…

300 years of the decree of Peter I on the succession to the throne

On February 5 (16), 1722, the Russian Emperor Peter I signed the “Charter on the Succession to the Throne”, which changed the procedure for the transfer of supreme power in the state. From now on, the emperor himself appointed the heir to the throne. The exhibition presents the “Charter on the Succession to the Throne”…

The Fifth International Scientific Conference “Trade, Merchants and Customs in Russia in the 16th-20th Centuries”

Dear colleagues! St. Petersburg Institute of History and the Association of Researchers in the History of Trade, Merchants and Customs invite you to take part in the Fifth International Scientific Conference “TRADE, MERCHANTS AND CUSTOMS IN RUSSIA in the 16th-20th centuries”, , which will be held on September 27-29, 2022 in Novosibirsk on the basis…

Presentation of the collection of documents “The Blockade in the Decisions of the Leading Party Bodies of Leningrad. 1941-1944″

A three-volume collection of documents from the most tragic period in the history of our city was presented during an online presentation on January 27, 2022, at 12.00. The main role in compiling the collection of documents “The Blockade in the decisions of the leading party bodies of Leningrad. 1941-1944″ played the staff of the…

“Autograph of history” – “To my dear mistress, Mrs. Katarina Luther …”

“Autograph of history” – “To my dear mistress, Mrs. Katarina Luther …”

“To my dear mistress, Mrs. Katarina Luther. Wittenberg. Into own hands,” is inscribed on the reverse side of a one-leaf message on yellowed paper. Cand. Sc. in History, Senior Researcher Tamara Nikolaevna Tatsenko tells about the autograph of the famous German church reformer Martin Luther, which is stored in the Scientific and Historical Archive of…

International conference

On January 26, 2022, the International Conference “Three Wars: Russian-Japanese (1904-1905), Soviet-Japanese (1945), Korean (1950-1953) will be held at St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, organized by SPbIH of the RAS and Korea University (Seoul). The conference will be held in a mixed format: in-person and online. The conference starts…

A new book

The publishing house Bibliotheca Classica Petropolitana has published a scientific reference edition Dictionary of St. Petersburg antiquities of the 19th – early 20th centuries: in 3 volumes / A. K. Gavrilov (editor-in-chief) and others; SPb., 2021. ISBN 978-5-4391-0715-5. This publication offers the reader alphabetical biographies of 250 St. Petersburg scholars, educators, artists, and writers who…

“Autograph of History” – the nicknames of Russian princes

“Autograph of History” – the nicknames of Russian princes

Aleksey Vladimirovich Sirenov, Director of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, tells about the origin of the nicknames of Russian princes and the oldest list of the Novgorod chronicle, containing a list of princely nicknames, from the collection of manuscripts of the Scientific and Historical…