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The new book by our colleagues
Prosveschenie publ. issued the new book byB.N. Kovalev, S.V. Kulik, D.Yu. Astashkin “Zabveniyu ne podlezhit: okkupatsiya, soprotivlenie, vozmezdie” (“Not liable to oblivion: occupation, resistance, requital”) ISBN 978-5-09-075256-5. The book presents to its readers a comprehensive description of the Nazi occupation of the Novgorod region with the analysis of economic, church and ideologic policy of…
“Autograph of History” – anonymous complaint from Peru against the Grand Inquisitor of Spain
A document from the collection of letters from the papal nunciature in Spain of the years 1670-1675, kept in the Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, can tell about an amusing episode in Spanish and Latin American history. In the program “Autograph of History”, Ph.D., researcher of the…
The diploma of Emperor Otto I the Great – the virtual exhibition
Otto I the Great was born on November 23, 912. The Holy Roman Empire founded by him lasted almost a millennium. The diploma of Emperor Otto, presented at the virtual exhibition, clearly demonstrates that such stability cannot be achieved through weapons alone, but relies primarily on the support of the citizens of the state, with…
In memory of the scholar
On the eve of the Victory Day collective of our Institute suffered an irretrievable loss. On May 8, 2020 Viktor Nikolaevich Pleshkov – D.Sc. in History, scientific adviser of the Department of General History, outstanding specialist in American history, who for 14 years was the head of Saint Petersburg Institute of the RAS has died…
Scholar’s jubilee
Employees of Saint Petersburg Institute of History cordially congratulate Doctor of Sciences in History, professor, Laureate of the State prize of the USSR, associate researcher of the Institute Aleksandr Zavelevich Vakser with 95-year anniversary. Being a well-known specialist in economic history of the Soviet society and in history of the working class of the…
Exhibition in the framework of International scientific conference “Armenians in history and culture of Russia: 18th – 20th centuries”
On October 26, 2016 the exhibition “Armenian merchants in Astrahan’ in the end of the 17th century: on the basis of documents from archival fund “Astrahan’ board” of the Scientific and historical archive of SPbIH RAS” was opened in “Tapan” museum in Moscow. It is organized in the framework of International scientific conference “Armenians in…