Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS cordially congratulates chief researcher D.Sc. in History Aleksei Nikolaevich Tsamutali, who was rewarded with honorary award of the All-Russian society for preservation of history and culture.
Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS cordially congratulates chief researcher D.Sc. in History Aleksei Nikolaevich Tsamutali, who was rewarded with honorary award of the All-Russian society for preservation of history and culture.
On October 20, 2015 a special joint session of the Scientific council of SPbIH and Saint Petersburg branch of Archaeography commission of the RAS dated for the centenary of an outstanding historian, specialist in source studies and archaeographer Aleksander Il’ich Kopanev took place. This session was divided into two parts: one with the scientific reports…
Main journal policy The journal is published since 2014. It was founded by Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian academy of Sciences. Publication Frequency. New issue publishes quarterly (four times in a year): March (№1), June (№2), September (№3), December (№4) Journal’s research areas. The journal accepts articles, documents and papers in Russian…
Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS welcome everyone to the session of the seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society” The report by A.T. Urushadze (Southern Scientific Centre of the RAS, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don) «”Caucasus is quite a special object”:…
Dear visitors! The reading hall of Scientific and historical archive of SPbIH RAS will be closed since July 4 till September 6, 2016.
Everyday life during occupation, oral testimony and previously taboo stories from the history of the Great Patriotic War were in the center of attention of the participants of the Russian-Belarusian round table “Unknown pages of the history of the Nazi occupation of the regions of the RSFSR and the BSSR”, which took place on October…
“Nestor-Istoria” publishing house has issued the collection of materials of the 10th Saint Petersburg International Colloquium “The epoch of wars and revolutions: 1914–1922” (ISBN 978-5-4469-1131-8). This event, that took place on June 9-11, 2016 in Saint Petersburg, had as its subject a difficult and controversial period of revolution crisis of 1914-1922, in other words from…
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