Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS cordially congratulates chief researcher D.Sc. in History Aleksei Nikolaevich Tsamutali, who was rewarded with honorary award of the All-Russian society for preservation of history and culture.
Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS cordially congratulates chief researcher D.Sc. in History Aleksei Nikolaevich Tsamutali, who was rewarded with honorary award of the All-Russian society for preservation of history and culture.
Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS welcomes everyone to the session of the seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society” The report by Candidate of Sciences in History K.A. Tarasov «The everyday life of Petrograd reserve regiments and batallions of…
Ahead of 75th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences publishes on its website the new historical source – the memoirs of Petersburg architect Vladimir Sergeevich Lukyanov about his work on “Leningrad Hero City Obelisk”, opened in 1985…
Dear colleagues! On June 24, 2016 there was the first session scientific seminar “Russia in 19th – beginning of 20th century: state and society” that will be conducted by the department of Modern History of Russia of SPbIH RAS. The first session was combined with round-table meeting timed to 220-year anniversary of emperor Nicholas I.
On May 27, 2016 at the assembly hall of Smolny ceremonial presentation of badges of laureates of the prizes of the city government in the spheres of culture, science and engineering, education. leading researcher, Doctor of Sciences in History Zoya Vasilievna Dmitrieva was awarded the rank of laureate of E.V. Tarle prize. Being well-recognized specialist…
International scientific conference “Historical memory of Russia and the Decembrists. 1825-2015” timed to 190-year anniversary of the uprising which took place in the Senate square on December 14, 1825 has become the only remarkable international scientific forum on issues concerning the history of the Decembrist movement. Its organizers struggled to attract to participation all well-known…
St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University in cooperation carried out a meeting of the Seminar on the Old Russian History which was held on December 24, 2020, online. At the session, A.M. Vvedenskii (the Institute of History of St. Petersburg…
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