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The 10th Scientific Readings in commemoration of O.A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya

The Western-European section of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS and Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS on May 22, 2020 conduct the 10th Scientific Readings in commemoration of O.A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya. We invite to participate specialists in Middle Age and Renaissance era studies as well as scholars studying Classics, the Byzantine Empire history and…

New book

Publishing and poligraphic centre of NWIM RANEPA issued a new book by D.Sc. in History B.N. Kovalev “Pribaltiiskiii sled na Severo-Zapade Rossii 1941–1944 gg.: prestupleniia voennykh i paramilitarnykh formirovanii”. SPb., 2020. ISBN 978-5-89781-668-2. The presentation of the book took place at Press-centre of the TASS in Saint Petersburg. The book is published on the website…

Scientific conference “The book culture of the Muscovite Rus’ of 15th-17th cc.”

Dear colleagues! The Presidential Library, the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences invite to participate in the scientific conference “The book culture of the Muscovite Rus’ of 15th-17th cc.” [“Knizhnaya kul’tura Moskovskoi Rusi XV-XVII vv.”]. The conference is to be held on…

Scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society”

Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS welcomes everyone to the session of the seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society” The report by Candidate of Sciences in History K.A. Tarasov «The everyday life of Petrograd reserve regiments and batallions of…

The Likhachov readings

Saint Peterburg Institute of History of the RAS and Saint Petersburg branch of Archaeographic commission of the RAS invite to visit the Readings honoring outstanding Russion historian, art historian, archaeologist academician Nikolay Petrovich Likhachov (1862‒1936). The session will take place on April 23, 2020 at Saint Peterburg Institute of History of the RAS (N.P. Likhachov’s…

The session of the seminar “The history of the Soviet era”

Dear colleagues! Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS welcomes you to participate in the session of the seminar “The history of the Soviet era”. The report “Navy officers of Russia in the era of wars and revolution as an object for prosopographical research” will be delivered by professor of the Institute of History…

International scientific conference

Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS (SPbIH of the RAS) in cooperation with the National Library of Russia (NLR) and Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation with participation of International association of researchers of trade history, merchant class and customs and JSC “CentrInform” on 28-30 September, 2020 will conduct International Scientific Conference “Istoriya…

New publication

 Publishing house “Pushkinskii fond” issued a collection of documents “Ministry finansov imperatorskoi Rossii E.F. Kankrin, M.Ch. Reitern, N.Ch. Bunge” [“The Ministers of Finance of the Imperial Russia E.F. Kankrin, M.Ch. von Reutern, N.Ch. Bunge”] composed by I.V. Lukoianov as a part of the series “Gosudarstvennye deyateli Rossii glazami sovremennikov” [“The Statesmen of Russia in the…

On the centenary of the signing of the Svalbard Treaty

On October 29–30, 2020 in Arkhangelsk the international scientific conference “The Svalbard archipelago: From terra nullius to the site of interaction. On the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Svalbard Treaty” will take place. The conference is organised by St Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences; Federal Research Center for Integrated Arctic…