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Fundamental and applied research projects
Main courses of research. Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS realizes fundamental and applied research projects on following subjects: Preservation and study of cultural, archeological and scientific heritage: revelation, systematization, description, restoration and preservation of the funds of the Scientific and historical archive of SPbIH of the RAS, publication of sources on Russian and…
The session of the seminar “The history of the Soviet era”
Regular session of the seminar “The history of the Soviet era” was held on June 4, 2019. the subject was “Leningrad case”: the study results and prospects”. the report were delivered by associate researcher D.Sc. in History, professor A.Z. Vakser, professor of the Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications D.Sc. in History V.S. Izmozik;…
New book
“Istoricheskaya illustratsia” publishing house has issued a new book of T.A. Bazarova “Russian diplomats at the court of the Ottoman Empire: reports of P.P. Shafirov and M.B. Sheremetev of 1711-1712 (The study and the texts)” (“Russkie diplomaty pri Osmanskom dvore: stateynye spiski P.P. Shafirova i M.B. Sheremeteva 1711-1712 godov (Issledovaniya i teksty)”). This publication introduces…
On scholar’s anniversary
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Exhibition on 150-year anniversary of M.I. Rostovtsev
During the Forum «Classical Studies’ Days in Saint Petersburg. 150 years anniversary of M.I. Rostovtsev» for the session «M.I. Rostovtsev and Classical Studies Triunity: History, Archaeology, Philology»,which took place on October 28, 2020at SPbIH of the RAS the employees of the Library of the Institute installed an exhibition «The books of M.I. Rostovtsev in the…
The exhibition in the Reading Hall of the Library of SPbIH of the RAS
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