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The 9th Belyaev Readings
The 9th Belyaev Readings, organized by the All-Russian Pushkin Museum and St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will be held on November 10, 2022. This year, the theme of the Belyaev Readings is “Idol on a Bronze Horse” in a historical retrospective”. The conference examines the image of Peter the…
When does history come to life?
On the eve of the Victory Day, the issue of searching and identifying pages of personal history that complement the macrohistory of the Fatherland is especially relevant for educating the younger generation of interest and respect for historical memory. Within the framework of the agreement between St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy…
Practical training and further training programs
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Session of the Seminar on History of Post-war Soviet Society
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International scientific conference timed to the 95th anniversary of Boris Fedorovich Egorov
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In memory of the scholar
On April 13, 2017 Yurii Georgievich Alekseev, outstanding scholar, great specialist in Russian Medieval history, D.Sc. in History, professor of Saint Petersburg State University has died. Many years Yurii Georgievich worked in Saint Petersburg Institute of History. Burial service and funeral has took place on April 17. He was buried at Smolonskoye cemetery.