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Regional scientific conference “Tikhvin region in the 12th-20th centuries”
The regional scientific conference “Tikhvin Region in the 12th–20th centuries”, organized by St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences in companionship with the Tikhvin Historical, Memorial and Architectural and Art Museum, was conducted on September 26-27, 2022 in the Teffi Library (Tikhvin). The conference examined various aspects of the history of…
On the 90-year anniversary of the Paleography museum of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR establishment
From September 12 till October 25, 2015 at the New building of the National library of Russia (Saint Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect, 165-2), in the hall of the second floor the exhibition “The collection of books and manuscripts of academician N.P. Likhachev (1862-1936): on the 90- year anniversary of the Paleography museum of the Academy of…

Old Russian town where the West and the East met – a new book on the history of non-confessional communities was presented in Novgorod
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Collection of articles “Materials of the Round-table discussion (On 70-year anniversary of the Great Victory)” (Sbornik Materialov kruglogo stola (K 70-letiu Velikoi Pobedy)
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New book
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The visit of post-graduates and students of the University from Bielefeld, Germany (Osteuropäische Geschichte-Universität)
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