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Happy New Year!
Dear friends! Administration of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS cordially congratulates you upon approaching New Year and Christmas! We hope coming year to be productive and won’t be overshadowed by new reforms although such behavior is typical for Red Monkey (symbol of 2016). We really count on your help and support that…
Exhibition timed to 85-year anniversary of B.V. Ananich at the National library of Russia
On March 16, 2016 at the New building of the National library of Russia (Moskovskii pr., 165) the exhibition “Academician Boris Vasilievich Ananich and Petersburg school of history” timed to 85-year anniversary of the scholar will be opened. Outstanding representative of Petersburg school of history, great historian, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor…
The Proceedings of SPbII RAN
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New book
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Changes in the schedule of the Archive Reading hall
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Jubilee of the scholar
On February 7, 2017 was a 85-year anniversary of D.Sc. in History, professor V.N. Ginev. Born in Sverdlovsk he entered the Faculty of History of the Leningrad State University in 1949 and made a choice of his profession he is still adherent to. Being a disciple of S.N. Valk Vladimir Nikolaevich greatly contributed to…