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New publication
“Alliance Archeo” publishing house issued “The books of money income and expense of the Vologda Archbishop House of Saint Sophia and the tax-books of churches belonging to the diocese of Vologda. The 17th – early 18th century” (“Prihodno-rashodnye denezhnye knigi Vologodskogo arhiereiskogo doma Svatoi Sofii i okladnye knigi cerkvei Vologodskoi eparchii. XVII-nachalo XVIII veka”)….
The spring has come!
Our dear ladies! Let us cordially congratulate you with nice spring holiday – International Women’s Day March 8! We are glad to wish you be successful in your activities, obtain and preserve personal happiness and prosperity, keep solid health. May strong and reliable men ready to help and support you stay nearby all the time….
Classical Studies’ Days in Saint Petersburg
On October 28, 2020, as part of the forum «Classical Studies’ Days in Saint Petersburg. 150 years anniversary of M.I. Rostovtsev» at the Conference Hall of SPbIH of the RAS the session «M.I. Rostovtsev and Classical Studies Triunity: History, Archaeology, Philology».The session starts at 16.00. The agenda of the session (in Russian) …
Postponement of scientific events
Due to difficult epidemiological situation all the scientific events planned to be carried out in the institute in April and May 2020 are postponed. The dates of its possible conducting will be announced later.
To mark the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great
MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ST. PETERSBURG INSTITUTE OF HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ST. PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY The St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and St. Petersburg State University invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference “Peter the Great and…
New monograph
Publishing Centre “Gumanitarnaya Akademiya” issued the monograph by E.V. Prokhorova and E.D. Tverdyukova“Prodovol’stvennyi rynok Petrograda-Leningrada perioda nepa” (“The food market of Petrograd-Leningrad during the NEP period”). ISBN 978-5-93762-145-0. The book for the first time in historiography on the basis of wide amount of different sources (law and regulations, unpublished archival documents, statistical materials, periodicals,…