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To the Day of Russian Science
On February 8 (January 28), 1724, by decree of the Governing Senate, by order of Emperor Peter the Great, the Academy of Sciences and Arts was established in St. Petersburg. According to the plan of Peter the Great, it was to become not only a scientific, but also an educational institution. A university and a…
Session of the seminar “RUSSIA IN MODERN ERA (18th – early 20th centuries): the state and the society”
Dear colleagues! St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences invites you to take part in the meeting of the seminar “RUSSIA IN THE MODERN ERA (18th – early 20th centuries): the State and the Society”. Within the framework of thesession, the report of Cand. Sc. T.V. Kostina (St. Petersburg Institute of…
The 9th Scientific Readings in commemoration of O.A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya
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New issue of “Auxiliary historical disciplines”
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