Международная научная конференция «Великий реформатор России: к 250-летию со дня рождения Михаила Михайловича Сперанского (1772 – 1839)» состоится 22–23 сентября 2022 г. в Санкт-Петербургском институте истории Российской академии наук. Конференция посвящена всестороннему изучению государственной деятельности и реформаторского наследия крупнейшего представителя российской управленческой элиты XIX века – М. М. Сперанского.
St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences invites you to take part in the International Scientific Conference “The Great Reformer of Russia: on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky (1772 – 1839)”.
The conference aims to a comprehensive study of state activity and the reformist heritage of the largest representative of the Russian administrative elite of the 19th century – M. M. Speransky, an analysis of his contribution to the process of modernization of imperial Russia, the development of its state and public institutions.
The conference is expected to discuss the following issues:
- M. M. Speransky and statesmen of the Russian Empire. Public administration of the 19th – early 20th centuries: government and society.
- Liberal-constitutional ideas in Russia in the 19th – early 20th centuries: plans, projects, implementation.
- M. M. Speransky, regional and imperial policy of Russia.
- M. M. Speransky and the development of legislation, law and legal education in imperial Russia.
- M. M. Speransky and the financial policy of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century.
- M. M. Speransky in Russian socio-political thought, the image of a statesman in the historical memory of Russia, domestic and foreign historiography.
More than 70 scholars will participate in the scientific forum, including leading experts on the history of the Russian state and society of the 19th century from Russia and other countries: historians, lawyers, researchers in the field of economic history and the history of finance, philosophers and social scientists, culturologists, biographers of M. M. Speransky.
The conference will take place on September 22–23, 2022 at St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (metro Chkalovskaya, Petrozavodskaya str., 7) and will be held in a mixed online and offline format using the Zoom platform.
Those wishing to take part in the discussion of the scheduled reports or be present as listeners in a remote format can contact pavilyn1970@gmail.com to gain access to the broadcast on the Zoom platform.