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The 36th volume of “Auxiliary historical disciplines”
“Dmitrii Bulanin” publishing house issued the next 36th volume of collection of articles “Auxiliary historical disciplines” (“Auxiliary sciences of history”/”Vspomogatelnye istoricheskie discipliny”, ISBN 978-5-86007-841-3). It incorporates articles on different aspects of auxiliary sciences of history: the documents on Medieval Russian history, the Peter the Great era, Russian history of the 19th-20th centuries are put under examination. The…
The 10th Scientific Readings in commemoration of O.A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya
The Western-European section of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS and Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS on May 22, 2020 conduct the 10th Scientific Readings in commemoration of O.A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya. We invite to participate specialists in Middle Age and Renaissance era studies as well as scholars studying Classics, the Byzantine Empire history and…
New book
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“The history of the Institute – the history of the Library”.
In the middle of February 2016 at the Reading hall of the Library of SPbIH of the RAS the exhibition “The history of the Institute – the history of the Library” timed to 80-year anniversary of the Institute has been opened. The books inherited by the library from the Archaeographic commission and N.P. Likhachev’s collection are…
Session of Saint Petersburg division of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS
On September 26, 2016 the session of Saint Petersburg division of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS was held at Saint Petersburg Institute of History. The participants were welcomed by director of the Institute N.N. Smirnov, who emphasized the importance of the recommencement of the division’s activity. The members of the department discussed different issues…
Announcement of the Archive
Dear visitors! The reading hall of Scientific and historical archive of SPbIH RAS will be closed since July 4 till September 6, 2016.