Publishing house «Al’yans-Arkheo» in a series of books “Tikhvinskii arkhiv” (“Tikhvin archive”) issued a new book “Materialy po istorii Uspenskogo Tikhvinskogo monastyrya”, vyp. 1: Akty i materialy pistsovogo dela, ch. 1: 1560—1644 gg. M., SPb., 2015 (“Materials on history of Tikhvin Assumption monastery”, issue 1: Acts and penmen materials, part 1: 1560-1644. M., SPb., 2015) compiled by O.A. Abelentseva. ISBN 978-5-98874-110-7. A series of books “Tikhvinskii arkhiv” (“Tikhvin archive”) aims to publish documents on history of age-old Russian town Tikhvin. Revealed and published documents from the fund 132 “Tikhvin Assumption monastery” of the Archive of SPbIH of the RAS on different aspects of medieval history of Tikhvin will compose this series. The book is published as a part of the grant project of Saint Petersburg State University “Monastyri Severo-Zapada Rossii: istoriya i arkhivnoe nasledie” (“Monasteries of the North West of Russia: history and archival heritage”) 5.38.680.2013.
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