On May 27, 2021 St. Petersburg celebrates the 318th anniversary of the city’s founding.
Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia Evgeniy (Efimiy Alekseevich Bolkhovitinov), the “Russian Miller” (as he was called in historiography) played one of the key roles in the formation and development of a number of humanitarian scientific disciplines – history, literary criticism, source studies, theology, etc. The archive of SPbIH of the RAS stores materials related to…
Late 19th – early 20th century called the “Golden Age of the Postcard”, when philocartist organizations appeared throughout Europe, magazines and catalogs were printed, international exhibitions were held, as well as congresses of collectors and publishers. The virtual exhibition presents images of postcards from the Minin collection of the Russian Section of the Archives of…
300 years ago, on September 10 (August 30), 1721 a peace treaty was signed between Russia and Sweden in the city of Nystad (Sw. Nystad, Fin. Uusikaupunki). The Nystad treatise was signed by representatives of two powers: from the Russian side – General Feldzheichmeister Count Ya. V. Bruce and Adviser to the Secret Chancellery A.I….
Based on the material from the funds of Scientific and Historical archive of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS research fellows of the Archive have created two sections of the virtual exhibition related to the collection of academician N.P. Likhachev (in Russian), presented now to the visitors of the Institutes website.
780 years ago, on April 5 (12), 1242, the Battle of the Ice took place on Lake Peipus. This battle is most vividly represented in the Novgorod annals. The virtual exhibition of one document displays pages describing the battle from the Commission copy of the Novgorod First Letopis, which is stored in the Scientific and…
A greeting card signed by Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna (1895–1918), the eldest daughter of Emperor Nicholai II, is addressed to the Chief Chamberlain of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Princess Elizaveta Alekseevna Naryshkina. Today, this document from fund 76 (A.A. Kurakin) of the Archive of SPbIH of the RAS is presented at a virtual exhibition. The exhibition…
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