The Last Wars of Russian Empire: Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905) and World War I (1914-1918) – conference
Saint-Peterburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of Sciences invites scholars to participate in the International academic conference “The Last Wars of Russian Empire: Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905) and World War I (1914-1918)”. The conference will be held from 20 to 21 November 2024 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Please send the application form to empire_wars@mail.ru. Application deadline is 1 October, 2024.

Conferences in 2024
Conferences in 2024

SPbIH of the RAS and St. Petersburg Philharmonia launched the project “The Military chronicle of the Philharmonia”
The tradition of storing and scientific restoration of documents and the tradition of studying the siege of Leningrad are two components that formed the basis of the joint historical and restoration project of St. Petersburg Philharmonia and St. Petersburg Institute of History “The Military chronicle of the Philharmonia”. The start of the project is timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the breakthrough of the blockade. The plans and expected results of its implementation were announced during a press conference on January 17, 2023 in the Great Hall of St. Petersburg Philharmonia.

Conferences in 2023
Scientific conferences organized and conducted by the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2023.
A greeting card signed by Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna
A greeting card signed by Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna (1895–1918), the eldest daughter of Emperor Nicholai II, is addressed to the Chief Chamberlain of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Princess Elizaveta Alekseevna Naryshkina. Today, this document from fund 76 (A.A. Kurakin) of the Archive of SPbIH of the RAS is presented at a virtual exhibition. The exhibition was prepared by Yu.B. Fomina © When reprinting or using the materials of the virtual exhibition, the indication of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences as a source of information and the authorship of the compiler of the material is…
To the 255th anniversary of Metropolitan Evgeny (Bolkhovitinov) – a virtual exhibition of one document
Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia Evgeniy (Efimiy Alekseevich Bolkhovitinov), the “Russian Miller” (as he was called in historiography) played one of the key roles in the formation and development of a number of humanitarian scientific disciplines – history, literary criticism, source studies, theology, etc. The archive of SPbIH of the RAS stores materials related to the life and work of Metropolitan Evgeny (Bolkhovitinov). In the collection of Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev (Coll. 238, inv. 2), draft notes and extracts made by him for his scientific works, official relations issued in the name of Metropolitan Eugene, as well as a whole complex…
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Виртуальная выставка
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