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The 10th Open Contest “Topical Science”
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International Scientific and Practical Conference timed to centenary of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia
On May 11-12, 2017 Saint Petersburg Institute of History, the State Museum of Political History of Russia and North-West branch of the Scientific Council of the RAS on the history of social reforms, movements and revolutions are carrying out International Scientific and Practical Conference “Revolution of 1917 in Russia: event and conceptions, consequences and…
On 85-year anniversary of academician B.V. Ananich
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A new book
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The results of the 10th contest “Topical science”
The Polish Institute in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS and the Institute of History and Political Science University of Białystok announce the completion of of the 10th Open Contest “Topical Science”. On November 27, 2017 the results have been summed up. The diplomas will be awarded on December 14, 2017…
All-Russian Scientific Conference
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