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On the centenary of the signing of the Svalbard Treaty

On October 29–30, 2020 in Arkhangelsk the international scientific conference “The Svalbard archipelago: From terra nullius to the site of interaction. On the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Svalbard Treaty” will take place. The conference is organised by St Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences; Federal Research Center for Integrated Arctic…

The exhibition in the Reading Hall of the Library of SPbIH of the RAS

The library presents to the visitors at the exhibition in the Reading Hall one of the most luxurious publications – “Tsarskaya ohota” (“The Tsars’ Hunt”) by N.I. Kutepov: Vol 2. Tsarskaya ohota tsarei Mikhaila Pheodorovicha and Alekseia Mikhailovicha. XVII vek (The Tsars’ Hunt of Tsars Mikhail Pheodorovich and Aleksei Mikhailovich. 17th century). St. Petersburg, 1898….

Scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society”

Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS welcomes everyone to the session of the seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society” The report by Candidate of Sciences in Philology M.Yu. Koreneva and Candidate of Sciences in Philology E.O. Larionova (Institute of…

New monograph

  Publishing Centre “Gumanitarnaya Akademiya” issued the monograph by E.V. Prokhorova and E.D. Tverdyukova“Prodovol’stvennyi rynok Petrograda-Leningrada perioda nepa” (“The food market of Petrograd-Leningrad during the NEP period”). ISBN 978-5-93762-145-0. The book for the first time in historiography on the basis of wide amount of different sources (law and regulations, unpublished archival documents, statistical materials, periodicals,…

New book

  The new book “Leningrad i leningradtsy v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny 1941-1945” (“Leningrad and Leningraders in the years of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945”)composed by A.N. Tchistikov in collaboration with E.P. Shelaeva and D.P. Mitiurin has been published by ANO ROSSICA “Liki” (ISBN 978-5-87417-610-5). The publication incorporates historical essays, documents from state and private…

The new issue of “Proceedings of SPbIH of the RAS”

The publishing house «Istoricheskaya Illustratsiya» released the next issue of “Proceedings of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences” “Peter the Great, Russian authorities and society in the era of change: Collection of articles timed to the 70th anniversary of Yuri Nikolaevich Bespyatyh” (“Petr Velikii, rossiiskaya vlast’ i obshchestvo v epokhu…

The new book by our colleagues

  Prosveschenie publ. issued the new book byB.N. Kovalev, S.V. Kulik, D.Yu. Astashkin “Zabveniyu ne podlezhit: okkupatsiya, soprotivlenie, vozmezdie” (“Not liable to oblivion: occupation, resistance, requital”) ISBN 978-5-09-075256-5. The book presents to its readers a comprehensive description of the Nazi occupation of the Novgorod region with the analysis of economic, church and ideologic policy of…