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Scholar’s jubilee

  Employees of Saint Petersburg Institute of  History cordially congratulate Doctor of Sciences in History, professor, Laureate of the State prize of the USSR, associate researcher of the Institute Aleksandr Zavelevich Vakser with 95-year anniversary. Being a well-known specialist in economic history of the Soviet society and in history of the working class of the…

Interregional scientific and practical conference “Civil Servants of Russia in Past and Present: Regional Aspect”

On November 23-24, 2016 at Moscow State Regional University and Moscow Provincial Archival Centre Interregional scientific and practical conference “Civil Servants of Russia in Past and Present: Regional Aspect” took place. Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS was one of its co-organisers. At the conference problems concerning the role, general and special features…

Results of the 9th Open Contest “Topical Science”

The Polish Institute in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS and the Institute of History and Political Science University of Białystok announce the completion of the 9th Open Contest “Topical Science”. On November 24, 2016 the results of the contest have been summed up. The first prize has been granted to…

On scholar’s anniversary

  On 90-year anniversary of an outstanding Russian scholar Boris Fedorovich Egorov “Rostok” publishing house issued a collection of articles “Ostrova Liubvi BorFeda”. The book includes articles, essays, poems, memoirs by prominent figures of science and culture, colleagues, disciples and friends (among them: A.S. Kushner, V.E. Bagno, A.V. Lavrov, etc.). These works mostly examine the…

The 7th International Scientific Conference “The Nansen Readings” (“Nansenovskie Chteniya”)

On November 9–11, 2016 was carried out the 7th International Scientific Conference “The Nansen Readings” (“Nansenovskie Chteniya”) organized with the participation of Saint Petersburg Institute of History. This time complex scientific issue “Russian abroad in search of the future of Russia” has been discussed. More than 60 participants delivered their reports on such problems as…

Exhibition in the framework of International scientific conference “Armenians in history and culture of Russia: 18th – 20th centuries”

On October 26, 2016 the exhibition “Armenian merchants in Astrahan’ in the end of the 17th century: on the basis of documents from archival fund “Astrahan’ board” of the Scientific and historical archive of SPbIH RAS” was opened in “Tapan” museum in Moscow. It is organized in the framework of International scientific conference “Armenians in…

Scientific Council session

October 25, 2016 extended session of Scientific Council timed to 50-year anniversary of move of the Institute to Petrozavodskaya str., 7. A.N. Chistikov presented his report “50 years in Petrozavodskaya” as a presentation of photos dated 1960-s–2000-s from the Institute and private archival collections. E.K. Piotrovskaya informed the audience concerning the history of N.P. Likhachev’s house in…

Exhibition on 50-year anniversary of SPbIH move to N.P. Likhachev’s house

On extended session of the Scientific council of SPbIH RAS timed to 50-year anniversary of move of the Institute and the library to Petrozavodskaya str., 7 at the Reading hall of the Institute’s library the exhibition “The library of LOII: labor activity, 1936-1991” has been opened. There are presented documents (annual reports, inventories, readers’ record…