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On 90-year anniversary of Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin

On October 18, 2016 memorial session of Scientific council of SPbIH RAS timed to 90-year anniversary of corresponding member of the RAS, D.Sc. in History Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin took place. The reports were delivered by T.V. Andreeva, A.N. Tsamutali, O.Yu. Malinova, S.K. Lebedev. A.S. Krymskaya, S.V. Kulikov, D.I. Raskin, V.A. Nardova, N.N. Smirnov confided their reminiscences about Rafail Sholomovich. T.V. Andreeva in…

Session of the Seminar on History of Post-war Soviet Society

On October 17, 2016 regular session of the Seminar on history of post-war soviet society (period of 1945-1965) took place. This seminar works at Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS (SPbIH of the RAS) and ensures collaboration of scholars, employees of museums and archives, professors, tutors and teachers along with post-graduates. The report…

On scholar’s anniversary

  On anniversary of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, D.Sc. in History, professor Yurii Gergievich Alekseev “Drevlechranilishe” publishing house issued the collection of articles “The sides of Middle Ages in Russia: collection of articles timed to 90-year anniversary of Yurii Gergievich Alekseev” (“Grani russkogo Srednevekovia: sbornik statei k 90-letiu Yuria Gergievicha Alekseeva”). Articles written…

On 100-year anniversary of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia

The State Museum of Political History of Russia, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, North-Western branch of the Scientific council of the RAS «The history of social reforms, public movement and revolution» invite to participate in International scientific conference “Revolution of 1917 in Russia: events and concepts, consequences and remembrance” timed to 100-year…

New book

  “Kriga” publishing house issued new book “Scenes of Russian life. Capital and province of the first half of the 19th century in the view of foreigners. Diaries. Researches” (“Kartiny russkoi zhizni. Stolitsa i provincial pervoi poloviny XIX veka glazami inostrancev. Dnevniki. Issledovania”). The publication was prepared by G.M. Kovalenko and A.A. Kuznetsov. The book…

New books

  “Liki Rossii” publishing house issued a new book, “Boris Vasilievich Ananich. The way we remember him” (“Boris Vasilievich Ananich. Kakim my ego pomnim”). This collection includes memoirs of colleagues and friends, photographs and documents from private archive of B.V. Ananich. The book was prepared thanks to Nina Ivanovna Ananich and members of her family…

The link of times

On September 30, 2016 descendants of N.P. Likhachev Natalia Alekseevna Kondratova (granddaughter) with her granddaughters visited Saint Petersburg Institute of History. They looked over the institute building, visited archive and library, met with the director of the Institute N.N. Smirnov and academic secretary A.A. Kasatov. N.A. Kondratova presented the Institute photographs of N.P. Likhachev from…

Presentation of the Russian version of the encyclopedia “Polish Petersburg”

On September 30, 2016 at the assembly hall of the Centre of art and music of the V.V. Mayakovsky Central public city library the presentation of the Russian version of the encyclopedia “Polish Petersburg” was held. The encyclopedia was composed by D.S. Likhachev fund in cooperation with International cultural centre in Krakow with the support…

Session of Saint Petersburg division of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS

On September 26, 2016 the session of Saint Petersburg division of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS was held at Saint Petersburg Institute of History. The participants were welcomed by director of the Institute N.N. Smirnov, who emphasized the importance of the recommencement of the division’s activity. The members of the department discussed different issues…