Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS cordially congratulates chief researcher D.Sc. in History Aleksei Nikolaevich Tsamutali, who was rewarded with honorary award of the All-Russian society for preservation of history and culture.
Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS cordially congratulates chief researcher D.Sc. in History Aleksei Nikolaevich Tsamutali, who was rewarded with honorary award of the All-Russian society for preservation of history and culture.
What the Novgorod merchants traded, with which foreigners they corresponded, from where they brought the goods to the banks of the Volkhov – the trade history of the ancient Russian city was presented by the employees of the Novgorod group of St.Petersburg Institute of History D.Sc. in History Boris Nikolaevich Kovalev, Cand. Sc. in History…
Dear visitors! The Reading Hall of the Scientific-Historical Archive of the Institute will be closed from December 25, 2019 till January 8, 2020 (inclusively).
About the funds of the Valdai Iversky Monastery in the Archives of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which reveal a very interesting panorama of life in Russia in the second half of the 17th century, says Doctor of History Pavel Vladimirovich Sedov in the program “Archival history” on the…
Friends and colleagues congratulate leading researcher, Doctor of Sciences in History Zoya Vasilievna Dmitrieva. Well-recognized specialist in economic history of Russia, source studies and archaeography Zoya Vasilievna Dmitrieva, being a disciple of Aleksandr Lvovich Shapiro, preserves the best features of Petersburg school of historical studies. Her scientific works, including seven monographs, fundamental publications of…
Prosveschenie publ. issued the new book byB.N. Kovalev, S.V. Kulik, D.Yu. Astashkin “Zabveniyu ne podlezhit: okkupatsiya, soprotivlenie, vozmezdie” (“Not liable to oblivion: occupation, resistance, requital”) ISBN 978-5-09-075256-5. The book presents to its readers a comprehensive description of the Nazi occupation of the Novgorod region with the analysis of economic, church and ideologic policy of…
As part of the program of scientific and anniversary events timed to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian ethnographer Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov (1922–1999), the Mesoamerican Educational and Scientific Center named after. Yu.V. Knorozov of the Russian State University for the Humanities and the A.A. Fursenko Center for American Studies of St….
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