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On 190-year anniversary of the Decembrist uprising in the Senate square

On December 14, 2015 the opening session of the International scientific conference “Historical memory of Russia and the Decembrists. 1825-2015” timed to 190-year anniversary of the Decembrist uprising will be held. The conference is organized by Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State Archive of the Russian Federation, State Museum of…

The results of the 8th Public contest “Topical science” (Aktualnaya nauka)

On November 25, 2015 the results of the 8th Public contest “Topical science” (Aktualnaya nauka) conducted in commemoration of O.N. Ken were summed up. The Polish Institute in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS and the Institute of History and Political Science of the University of Białystok announce the completion of…

Excursion to the library

On November 18, 2015 at the scientific library of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS a conducted tour to the library funds for a group of students of the Faculty of liberal arts and science took place.  Chief librarian Panchenko E.Z. delivered familiarization lecture and demonstrated students the most precious items such as…

New book

Spicilegium Byzantino-Rossicum. Collection of articles timed for 80-year anniversary of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.P.Medvedev. M., 2015. This book is dedicated to 80-year anniversary of famous Russian specialist in Byzantine history, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Pavlovich Medvedev. The collection of articles consists of more than 30…

International scientific conference

On November 6, 2015 at the Institute of the Humanities of Novgorod state university was held international scientific conference “Path to the victory. Polish and Soviet resistance movements against Hitlerite occupation: similarities and differences”. It was organized in cooperation by Consulate general of Poland in Saint Petersburg, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University and Saint Petersburg Institute…

Scholar’s anniversary

On November 10, 2015 falls 70-year anniversary of a famous Russian scholar, author of more than 100 scientific works and publications of documents on the political history of Russia and the history of the Russian emigration of 1900-s-1930-s, leading research fellow of St.Peterburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Cand. of Sc….

On Aleksander Il’ich Kopanev’s centenary

On October 20, 2015 a special joint session of the Scientific council of SPbIH and Saint Petersburg branch of Archaeography commission of the RAS dated for the centenary of an outstanding historian, specialist in source studies and archaeographer Aleksander Il’ich Kopanev took place. This session was divided into two parts: one with the scientific reports…

New book

“Petrpolis” publishing house issued a monograph by S.N. Iskioul “The war and the world in Russia of year 1812”, SPb., 2015. This book unlike the previous historiography that took under consideration the war history examines the everyday life of different estates of the Russian empire of this period: clergy, nobility, peasantry and townspeople. The monograph…

The jubilee of scholar

On November 1, 2015 is the 80-year anniversary of outstanding historian, a specialist in Byzantine history, corresponding member of the RAS, D. Sc. in History and a remarkable person Igor Pavlovich Medvedev. He is a symbol of both Byzantine history studies and the destiny of Saint Petersburg institute of History, where he has been working…

About the session of the Round-table discussion at the National library of Russia

On October 16, 2015 at the Conference-hall of the New building of the NLR took place the round-table discussion “Museum of book in the shifting world: On the 90-year anniversary of the Paleography museum of the Academy of sciences of the USSR foundation”. Scholars from SPbIH RAS, SPbSU, Manuscripts dept. of the NLR, the Library of…