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Survival and humanity

Survival and humanity

Online discussion of the monograph “Suffering and survival during the war: the life of people in the conditions of the blockade of Leningrad, 1941-1944” (published by the University of Oxford, 2021) by a well-known sociologist, professor at the University of Richmond and St. Petersburg State University Jeffrey Hass took place on April 11, 2022 within…

The revolution. Woman’s face. Scientific conference timed to the 150th anniversary of A.M.Kollontai

The revolution. Woman’s face. Scientific conference timed to the 150th anniversary of A.M.Kollontai

“Woman and Revolution” and “Women in Revolution”, female style in diplomacy and female destinies of “icons of the revolution” – these and other subjects have been discussed at the scientific conference “Revolution. Woman’s face”, organized by SPbIH of the RAS and ROSSPEN Publishing House. The conference took place on March 31, 2022 in a zoom…

Novgorod the First Letopis – a unique monument of Russian literature

Novgorod the First Letopis – a unique monument of Russian literature

For the first time, ordinary citizens will be able to get acquainted with one of the oldest documents live at the exhibition “The Novgorod the First Letopis – a unique monument of Russian literature” in the Novgorod Museum. The Archaeograpic commission’s copy of the Novgorod the First Letopis from the collection of the Archive of…

To the 150th anniversary of the postcard – on March 26, 1872, the first postcard was issued in Russia

Late 19th – early 20th century called the “Golden Age of the Postcard”, when philocartist organizations appeared throughout Europe, magazines and catalogs were printed, international exhibitions were held, as well as congresses of collectors and publishers. The virtual exhibition presents images of postcards from the Minin collection of the Russian Section of the Archives of…

The Museum of the North-Western Front (Staraya Russa) hosted a round table dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On the procedure for the seizure of church property in the use of groups of believers”

The Museum of the North-Western Front (Staraya Russa) hosted a round table dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On the procedure for the seizure of church property in the use of groups of believers”

On March 22, researchers from the Novgorod group of SPbIH of the RAS took part in a round table timed to the 100th anniversary of the sign of the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On the Procedure for the Seizure of Church Treasures Used by Groups of Believers”. The round table was organized…

Agreement on cooperation between SPbIH of the RAS and gymnasiums

Agreement on cooperation between SPbIH of the RAS and gymnasiums

The project “Faculty of Social Sciences” is aimed at motivating secondary school students for deeper training in the humanities and admission to specialized educational institutions. An agreement between gymnasiums (Gymnasium No. 67, Gymnasium No. 70 and Gymnasium No. 85 of the Petrogradsky District) and St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences…

“Archival history” – Church for the benefit of the state

Social, economic and spiritual grounds of the Church reform of Peter the Great on the bais of the documents from collections of Northern monasteries and archbishops’ houses. Senior researcher Cand. Sc. in History Nikita Bashnin tells the audience about the collection of docuements on this issue in program “Archival History”.

Autograph of History – Alexandrian sauce according to the recipe of “Collection of Apicius”

Autograph of History – Alexandrian sauce according to the recipe of “Collection of Apicius”

Can a cookbook serve as a historical source? If this is a copy of an ancient book of the 4th-5th centuries, then the researcher extracts a large amount of information from it. Cand. Sc. in History Ekaterina Nosova, a researcher at the Scientific and Historical Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of History in the program…