Saint-Peterburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of Sciences
International Academic Conference
RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR (1904-1905) AND WORLD WAR I (1914-1918)
Saint-Peterburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of Sciences invites scholars to participate in the International academic conference “The Last Wars of Russian Empire: Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905) and World War I (1914-1918)”.
The organizers are particularly interested in applications on the following topics:
- international relations and armed conflicts of the early 20th century;
- men at war;
- war economy;
- finances of belligerent powers;
- war and domestic politics;
- revolutionary movement during the war.
The conference will be held from 20 to 21 November 2024 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The organizers wouldn’t be able to cover travel and accommodation expenses. In case external funding for the conference will be obtained the organizers will be able to partly cover travel and accommodation expenses. Online participation via ZOOM platform is possible. The working language is Russian.
Please send the application form to empire_wars@mail.ru.
Application deadline is 1 October, 2024.
Members of Organizing Committee:
Sergei Lebedev, St. Petersburg Institute of History RASChair
Igor Lukoianov, St. Petersburg Institute of History RAS
Nikolai Smirnov, St. Petersburg Institute of History RAS
Mikhail Druzin, St. Petersburg Institute of History RAS
Anton Fomin, St. Petersburg Institute of History RAS