On April 4, 2016 regular session of the Seminar on history of post-war soviet society (period of 1945-1965) took place. This seminar works at Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS (SPbIH of the RAS) and ensures collaboration of scholars, employees of museums and archives, professors, tutors and teachers along with post-graduates. The report on activity of the Soviet state to rebuild Karelian Isthmus in the second half of 1940s was delivered by post-graduate student of the Institute of History of Saint-Petersburg State University (SPbSU) V.A. Orav. Scholars and employees of SPbIH of the RAS, SPbSU, the Herzen State Pedagogical University, the Central State Archive of Saint Petersburg and other institutions as well as post-graduates and students participated in this session and discussed the report.
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