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New monograph
“Alliance-Archeo” publishing house issued a book by N.V. Bashnin “Dionisii Glushitskii monastery and its archive in the 15th-17th centuries: Research and texts” (“Dionisievo-Glushitskii monastyr i ego arhiv v XV-XVII vv.: Issledovanie i teksty”). The monograph deals with the history of the monastery, and on the basis of multiple sources from archives of Moscow, Saint…
The library derives from the Archaeography commission, established in 1834 in order to collect and publish the documents of the Archaeography expedition. In 1920-s the Archaeography commission became the part of the Academy of Sciences, what made it much easier to collect and to use the funds of the library. Since 1930-s a lot of…
Presentation of “Album of Petrine Navigator”
On March 27, 2017 at 6.30 p.m. at Saint Petersburg branch of the Russian Geographical Society took place a meeting of Commission on history of geographic knowledge timed to 320-year anniversary of the Great Embassy of Peter the Great combined with presentation of “Album of Petrine Navigator”. In presentation composers of the book Cand….
“Autograph of History” – to the 800th anniversary of Alfonso X the Wise, of Castile
The Archive of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS keeps the only medieval document in Russia associated with the name of Alfonso X the Wise, the Castilian king, who decided the fate of a distant village in the Bay of Biscay. Daria Omelchenko, a researcher of the Archive, tells about the copy of…
On 90-year anniversary of Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin
On October 18, 2016 memorial session of Scientific council of SPbIH RAS timed to 90-year anniversary of corresponding member of the RAS, D.Sc. in History Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin took place. The reports were delivered by T.V. Andreeva, A.N. Tsamutali, O.Yu. Malinova, S.K. Lebedev. A.S. Krymskaya, S.V. Kulikov, D.I. Raskin, V.A. Nardova, N.N. Smirnov confided their reminiscences about Rafail Sholomovich. T.V. Andreeva in…
Scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society”
On July 2, 2020 at 17.00 the session of scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society” will take place. At the semonar there will be delivered a report by Cand.Sc. in History N.V. Salonikov (Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University) and…